Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 5, 2011

Recycling of CDs

Tabletop stand for office supplies from the CD-ROM drive
What is needed:
- CD-drives - 7 pieces
- Hacksaw or substitutes: Jigsaw, a red-hot nail, the saw-Bulgarian - something which will be convenient to cut discs
- Pattern holders
- Sandpaper or a file for processing the edges.
  • If the cut will be at home (on a table, stool, etc.) - a disc Put a cloth to avoid scratching the shiny surface of the disc with sawdust.
  • If you decide to burn these slots, then the disc Put a Plotka and sufficient Tolt substrate, such as  corrugated board, so as not to burn the table.
1. Make a basic template.
Contours of the disk on the paper inside and out. As we enter the square circle drive. This will be the foundation of all templates. Next on the photos to be seen what will be left to finish.
2. Cut out the templates and with an awl or needle portable key points on the disks. Then, already on the disks themselves connect these dots and lines get cut.
a) It is a central part, call it A. Cut on one disc.
Самая центральная часть подставки
b) The central part B. Also in single copy.
Центральная часть Б
c) Bottom (denoted just in case). One detail.
d) Lateral G. They must be on two discs.
Боковая часть, 2 детали.
d) And last, the lateral part of the D, too, the two parts. (Actually it is one in a cut as the central part of A. .. just noticed улыбаюсь, So that you can simply cut the three central part A).
Боковая часть Д, 2 детали

3. Now take a hacksaw, jigsaw (I'm in this time a hot fragment of cloth from the jigsaw make a hole - it seemed more convenient) and start sawing on the planned lines. You should get something like this:
Выпиленные детальки
Bits of the picture - this is the disc otkolupnulsya shiny coat.
That's the bottom will look like.
  • Note: that after the assembly design is not distorted and will last longer, the thickness of the cut should not be thinner than the thickness of the disk, and the need to cut as much as possible straight lines - no curves and waves.
  • Second note: The disc may break during cutting. Therefore Perform disk so that it is only a few millimeters was for the working surface on which the sawing .
4. Burrs process nozhdachnoy paper. To not see the inscriptions on the obverse side of a disc, cover them with paint. For example, silver from a container.
5. Assembling the Stand:
a) A central part of the line with the central part B:
b) In the remaining sections in the central part of the B vstarlyaem bokovinki W:
c) Merging the resulting design with the remaining bokovinkami:
And so
Stand almost ready, lacking only the bottom:
 (This is a bottom view)
d) Put on the bottom in:
Photo above:

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