Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 5, 2011

Sundress sewing for women: more patterns


Hướng dẫn cắt may váy hè cho b

Sewing fashion t-shirt for summer


How to sew evening dress

Modeling red dresses.

Sewing charming dress and skirt for summer

Construction and sewing a pink dress with ruffles

Hướng dẫn may áo thời trang cho mẹ

Mum Shirt transfer to baby Dress

This is a super simple project that took about 30 minutes to do.

Here is the shirt I started with.

Cut off the sleeves.

Cut the shoulder strap about 1.5  inches before the seam on the front of the shirt.

Then I put the shirt on Aiyanna and pinned the sides to fit. I played with the straps until I liked how it looked.

Using my pins as guides I cut the sides of the shirt.

I french seamed the sides and finished the arm holes.
Then I sewed the straps to the front and hemmed the bottom to shorten it some. I left the original hem so I can let it out as she gets taller.

School of painting. Draw a fairy tale.

Bé tập vẽ các nhân vật trong thế giới thần kỳ

Painted Shoes: fashion collection

Giầy dép thời trang với công nghệ sơn màu

Chandelier made of rose and bead

Làm đèn, chuông gió bằng hoa hồng và cườm

Interior decoration - suspension of roses and beads

Under the cut is a job description. Just strange it is for some. Very detailed in what order to string beads. But of all the rest of the word literally. And about how to make rosettes directly - not even a hint. Okay, we'll win it. But very little thing is even cute.

Beading Gladiolus tutorial

 Hướng dẫn kết hoa lay ơn bằng cườm


How to bead roses

At the rosette must weave 6 small petals, and 6 more. 
They weave the same, only with different numbers of beads.
This entry sequence set beads:
On the small petals: 6,7,8,8,7,6,5.
Long-petals: 9,10,10,9,8,7,6.
On the wire length of 35cm, stringing one by one the number of beads that in the description.
Describe more petal: 
Bend the wire in half to determine the middle and dialing 9 beads (this is the first digit in the description)

Then recruit 10 more beads, but so that they are not connected to once again do not count
One end of the wire cuff in the opposite direction
And contracts as follows:
Make sure the ends of the wires were of equal length.
Rows of beads lie parallel to each other, hence the name of art. 
Further continue in the same order of writing: 9.10 We strung and beyond: 10,9,8,7,6. 
And we get here is a tab - there should be six.
Also supplied with small petals. They too should be six.
When the petals are ready, gather roses: 3 small petal twists along the convex surface outward, and so all the petals. In each row of 3 petals and relative to the previous row in a staggered manner.
That's what happens:
Now the gossiping under green rosettes corolla (in false color of the fabric is called pasting). Leaves are different and the Scourge of writing:
Small: 1,2,3,3,2,1 - 3shtuki.
Large: 1,2,1,2,3,3,2,1 -2 pc.
Now attach to the rosettes on the lower side as follows:
Now the leaves on the stem: 1,3,5,7,7,7,6,5,4,3,1. (Number optional) 
Collect and 3 petals together: one or two lower. (No pictures forgot to photograph)
The result:
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